
My Wednesday night was amazing. There really isn’t any other way to describe it. I should have known in advance as the event had all the ingredients for the perfect evening:

  • A great workout
  • Wine and snacks
  • Thought provoking conversation

The lovely ladies at Uplift Studios took their popular Workout+Wine to another level last night by sponsoring a Workout + Wine book club! Inspired by all the conversation surrounding Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In, the ladies thought it would serve as the perfect platform for book club event! Eleven women joined for the workout while others came for the wine and discussion afterwards!


Eleven of us had our butts kicked during the workout portion of Workout + Wine. Shannon Macdowell may be tiny but damn is she mighty! Her energy, great playlist, and attention to form will kick anyone into shape quickly and make them sweat within minutes. The workout was Uplift Strength which means we used lots of heavy weights, including my favorite dumbbell weight these days, the 15 pound bad boys! There were only cardio bursts but between the sumo jump squats and the burpees, we were all exhausted by the end of each 4 minute cardio set.

IMG_7973 IMG_7977After the workout guests were able to enjoy an array of delicious, healthy snacks and plenty of wine! I was starving after a double workout day and was therefore thankful that the snacks included more than just cheese and crackers. There was a delicious salad, quinoa, cheese, fruit, popcorn, and more!

IMG_7978For the next hour, I experienced one of the most uplifting (Oh hello pun, but really) and supportive conversations with a group of strangers. Though I only knew four of the women personally, we each opened up and spoke about our experiences in the work place throughout the years. There was a wide array of ages represented in the discussion which meant a multitude of experiences to share. Each person was engaged, supportive, and provided some great ideas on how to tackle some of the obstacles and situations we face as women on a daily basis. While each of us agreed that the book, Lean In, isn’t perfect it definitely has provoked some great conversations lately.

IMG_7980 photo 1 One of my favorite points of the evening was when Leanne, one of Uplift’s founders, asked the group if we each considered ourselves feminists. Until recently, I never considered myself a feminist. But, after reading the book and last night’s discussion, I’ve been reminded that feminism isn’t about man hating or not wanting guys to hold doors for women. Those are all the stereotypes that make the term so polarizing. Feminism can mean something different for each person but for me it means making the best opportunities available to women whether social, political, or professional.

Even after the event officially ended many of us lingered, discussing experiences and echoing the same feeling. Even the founders were in awe at the event’s success.

“….starting any business has its challenges, of course; however, experiencing the power and insight that came through like it did last night makes any challenges 100% worth it.” Leanne Shear, Co-Founder, President Uplift

This isn’t the only event Uplift offers in addition to their daily workouts. This Sunday they are hosting a Sunday Funday “Bootcamp, Bloodys & Brunch” which will include their signatures Uplifting-Strength workout followed by socializing over everyone’s favorite hangover remedies! To check out more information, head over to their site or email them at!

How about you? Do you consider yourself a feminist?

*This is not a sponsored post and I was not compensated for the class nor provided a complimentary class. These are all my own, genuine opinions. I just really, really love Uplift!

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Reflections on 4.15.13

It is Tuesday which now means that yesterday was Marathon Monday. Today I expected to spend time with my cappuccino reading, in awe, the stories from friends and acquaintances who ran 26.2 Boston Marathon miles. While I only personally knew 3 people running the marathon yesterday I knew many more through Twitter, Facebook, running, and social media relationships. Instead, today I wore waterproof mascara as I know what the day holds. As I sit here, in an empty office during the first few minutes of my day, I am taking time to reflect and share some ways that you can help those who need it most right now.

I am still in a bit of shock after yesterday’s tragedy but am thankful to have my health this morning. Both Bo and I were at work yesterday in NYC when the tragedy occurred as unfortunately neither of us have the speed necessary, at this point in our lives, to qualify for Boston. However, we both know people who were affected yesterday in Boston and our hearts are heavy today. While they were not injured yesterday due to the tragedy, there lives were forever changed by being there. There are people who work for years to run Boston whose dreams were crushed yesterday as this wonderful and sacred event for runners suddenly turned into a tragedy which will always be remembered for a different reason.

In honor of those affected by yesterday’s tragic events, take time to focus today on doing something positive. Call someone and tell them you love them. Hug your loved ones a bit tighter. Lace up your shoes and go outside to enjoy running for the reason you started initially. Help someone in need. Donate blood. Donate money. Listen to someone who needs to talk. Be thankful. Read this so that you can remember the good things in the world.

In an email to my father, my aunt articulated my feelings about yesterday in just a short sentence.

“I had been thinking that i needed to make 100% sure that Ash was not in Boston. So, then I began to think, even if its not our Ashley, it could be another family’s “Ashley.”

This has been a sad few months for running but we must all move forward – together – and never run in fear but instead run for the sport and the pure love of being active. 


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Sephora’s Annual Beauty Sale Picks

Happy Sunday! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. So far our weekend has been all about friends and each other. I’ll fill you in on weekend details tomorrow but for now, grab your cup of coffee and let’s talk beauty!

It’s that time again! Once or twice a year Sephora thanks their shoppers by giving them a discount on EVERYTHING in store! This time around Sephora Beauty Insiders get 15% off everything in their shopping cart until April 21st by using the code CHIC! If you’re not yet an Insider, just sign up on the website.

Since I spend every day focused on beauty during my day job, I’ve decided to share more of that on the blog in the future. For now, I thought it’d be fun to share with you my Sephora favorites just in time for Sephora’s Annual Beauty Sale! This is not a sponsored post but instead just my way of introducing you to maybe at least one new beauty product!

Sephora Annual Beauty Sale Picks

My favorite Sephora picks, which range in price from under $10 to over $90 have been tested by me over the years and still find their way into my Sephora shopping basket multiple times a year!

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment $22.50Sephora Fragrance Sampler for Her $50Tocca Cleopatra Candle $38- Clinique Chubby Stick in Fuller Fig $16 – DOLCE & GABBANA Light Blue Fragrance Pen $25 – NARS Orgasm and Laguna Bronzer Blush Duo $41.00Origins 10 Minute Mask $23.00YSL Touche Eclat – Radiant Touch $40.00DOLCE& GABBANA Monica Voluptuous Lipstick in Salmon Coral $33.00- Sephora Collection Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover $9.50Eyeko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner $16.00Ole Henriksen Ultimate Eye Gel PM $38.00SK-II Facial Treatment Mask $90.00Laura Mercier Eye Primer $25.00Phyto Hair and Nails Dietary Supplement $59.00 – Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief $37

For more of my favorite beauty products, follow my Favorite Beauty Products board on Pinterest!

In full disclosure, the following brands are part of P&G Prestige portfolio and therefore brands which I work on daily: SK-II and DOLCE & GABBANA.

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